
学校 - School

Warning: Lots of peace signs

This weekend marks my second full week of school in Japan. So far it´s been great! I don´t understand much of what´s going on in the actual classes, especially in subjects like chemistry and math, which I had enough trouble understanding in my native tongue. But just being at school and making lots of new friends has made up for that big time. I really couldn´t be happier with my classmates, and all the other students at school. Wherever I go there is always people saying coming over and talking to me. Having everyone at school know who you are is a bit strange, but it helps a lot when making friends. 
I also joined Kyudo club, which for those who don't know is traditional Japanese archery. I mostly speak Japanese at school, and it works out quite well most of the time. I can feel that I´m improving day by day, which is awesome! I have a lot of stories I want to tell, but you´ll just have to wait for my next video. Until then enjoy these pictures from my first two weeks at school. 
At my school you can choose between three cultural classes; calligraphy, art, and music.  The guitars in the picture above might be a good hint as to what I chose.
A teacher at school lives in Shirakawa-go, a village with very traditional, very unique houses. She gave me this invitation to go visit her in October for this big event. I´m definitely saying yes.
The lunch club, or lunchbox nine if you will. While everyone else eats at their desk, we eat on the floor. Apparently this is what the cool kids do. 

A pre-gym selfie. Our uniforms have our names on them!
Too cute
Cooking class is basically a fashion show
Birthday girl! I stupidly asked what "HBD" stood for. Happy Birthday duh

So many cuties in one class

The Kyudo girls + one guy. Also a bunch of cuties
In action
I went to visit my friend in the Kendo doujo next door, we had to take a picture of our coolness.
At Kyudo practice everyone is either super focused, or super goofy. There is no in-between.
This the same girl on the left in the picture above. 
I met some of my classmates outside the doujo. Selfie time.
Inside the doujo.
A senior brought us ice-cream on Wednesday, so we took a break from shooting.
Ice-cream = happiness
Another super serious group photo.
Heading home after a long day of school and practice.
I also went out for dinner with some of the girls after school, but I think that deserves its own post. 


  1. Brilliant beautiful lady! Can't wait to see pics from your October trip to the traditional village. I can only imagine… :)
